The day after we found out that were going to get the money for the staircase, our landlord said that he had to give us a date to get caught up by - February 28th.
We continued to go about our days, brainstorming ways to increase revenue, working hard everyday and then we received a letter – an official, certified letter – for us to get caught up, or else...
The day we received the letter there were 40 days until February 28th.
Of course.
As of today, there are 21 days left. Let me try to sum up the last 19 days.
Day 1 - Intense Prayer, God what do we do?
Day 2 - Answer to that prayer - PRAY HARDER. We started asking the question: What's our VISION? I was reading Andy Stanley's book: Visioneering. What is the vision of The Channel??? Our mission was clear – provide an all ages alcohol-free gathering spot and music venue...but what was the vision?
Day 3 - We looked at the numbers, and really saw where the Channel and the Restaurant were. We were astonished. Grille 33's profit and loss statements had shown a HUGE improvement in its last 3 months, it was actually breaking even! We also compared what The Channel did in prior years to the time at the current location. Again, we were astonished. The Channel had done, on average, less than half of the events per month than at the old location. HOPE IN A HUGE WAY. Realization that once we are caught up and raise consistent monthly support for The Channel, it is sustainable.
Day 4 - Worshiped God and sought wise counsel
Day 5 - Met with one of The Channel's Board Advisers - Mike & Cindy. Shared EVERYTHING. They encouraged us to make a presentation to share with others and start asking everyone to help.
Day 6 - Met with another restaurant owner and disciple of Christ to get wisdom and to share our story. He gave $1,000. Praise God! Hope was stirred in our hearts. Emailed David & Fran, (who have been with Campus Crusades for Christ for 17 years and have raised their own support all of those years) for wisdom. Received an encouraging email full of wisdom and support.
Day 7 - The Lord started stirring in my heart to blog about our story. I had never blogged before and Furman happened to be doing a blog class that night, so I went and learned. Glen and Tonya (also on our Board) watched Sam for me while I went. Sitting on their couch when I arrived just happened to be a guy named Stephen who had trained others how to raise funds for church plants. He graciously downloaded massive wisdom into me on how to go about it. He said in the presentation to put: Mission, VISION, etc... WHAT IS OUR VISION!!!??? That night, wrestled with the Lord to show us what the vision was!
Day 8 - Gained clarity on the vision - and EVERYTHING began to shift. [Read vision page to see it clearly spelled out] Shared the vision with 2 pastors - Patrick and Kris. Kris invited me to speak about the vision of The Channel and share the need at Greenville House of Prayer's "Seek 1st" Conference.
Day 9 - Met with Bobby, an Executive Director from a Non-Profit in Spartanburg who poured even more knowledge and wisdom into us. He made a statement that will stick with me forever:
The biggest competitor to the Lordship of Jesus in our lives is money.
How true this has been in my life. We have a choice to either serve God and be seeking the Kingdom or to serve money (personal security and self gain).
David from Rocky Creek Church hosted a church planters date night at Grille 33 and asked us to share some of our story with them. Great encouragement.
Got before the Lord and asked Him what part to share at the Seek 1st Conference. I felt compelled to reread the paper towel that the Noah note was written on. It said:
Thanks for being Noah, REVIVAL IS COMING!!!
Praise God a million times - not rain, but revival....
Spoke at GHOP's (Greenville House of Prayers) Seek 1st conference. Amazing worship and word. An offering by mostly younger adults and some college kids came to over $1300! Thank you God for sacrificial giving in this generation. More importantly, God brought some amazing Kingdom connections. He also began to stir in our hearts the desire to have ongoing prayer at The Channel.
Day 10 - Another amazing night of worship at Seek 1st, more Kingdom connections made. This sweet woman from the conference, Hope, prayed for humility and God to be GLORIFIED in a huge way through The Channel.
Also met with a couple Ron and Hope that have been coming to The Channel since the Carpenter's Cellar days. They had been having some difficulties in their marriage and in the past few weeks had been very authentic about it and sought help and encouragement. They had separated, but through their brokenness, God was bringing restoration. He had even put on their hearts a desire to start a couples gathering to create healthy community. They are actually going to start blogging about what God is doing in their life and marriage.
Follow their story:
Day 11 - Prayed for our aunt's healing. Shared our story with Dave and his wife, an evangelist who shared how vital it is to gather a prayer team and emphasized it by saying, "You're about to enter the gates of hell with a water pistol!"
Day 12 - The Lord put on Vanessa – a college girl's – heart to throw her birthday party at The Channel and ask instead of presents for everyone to donate money. She then talked 2 of her friends into doing the same thing! Another guy, Todd, called and said that the Lord impressed on his heart to serve at The Channel in whatever capacity we need.
Day 13 - Met with Daniel, one of our advisors, again. He encouraged and shared with us lots of connections to share the vision of what God is up to. Also met with Todd and get to hear his heart. Very excited to see God reveal more of his purpose. He's going to start training to serve as a barista at the coffee bar. Got to see God bring some hope to a couple who has been struggling in their marriage. Counseled with them for a couple hours. Praying that God will do miracles.
Day 14 - Day 19 -
2 college-aged kids came up and said that they felt the Lord impress on their heart to give $100. They were moved by what God was doing here.
Amazing worship with the Radius family and the United Pursuit Band.
God connected us to a couple of families that are really struggling with their children...without posting details, God is starting to use us to help disciple them.
Many new relationships are being established as we share God's vision for this place.