Saturday, February 26, 2011



Win THIS Ibanez Guitar Signed By: 
1. Michael W. Smith
2. Steven Curtis Chapman
3. Phillips, Craig, & Dean
4. Josh Wilson
5. Steve Fee
5. Michael Watson of Above The Golden State
7. Britt Nicole
8. Sara Reeves
9. Danyew
10. Jonny Diaz

Contest Info: 
$5 to guess the # of PICKS & STRINGS (individually)

Person with the guess closest to both with win the guitar. If there is a tie, there will be a tie breaker contest held on March 19th. 

You can enter the contest at the Channel or by clicking the donate button below.

Make sure to put your guess in the note on paypal:

Picks 552
Strings 114

Or click on the Donate button below:

Official PayPal Seal

All Donations are tax deductible, as The Channel is a 501(c)3 non profit organization.

If you'd rather just donate without entering the contest, click donate and put amount, or send a check to:

The Channel
221 North Main Street
Greenville, SC 29601

Please include your name, address, phone number and email so we can send you a tax-deductible receipt.

Thank you for giving.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Benefit Concerts!

The community is rallying around The Channel!
This Saturday Night - February 26th @ 7:00 

Only $5 donation for 6 bands!!! 
Beyond Philosophy
Sunset Revival
Dakota Burwell
Chasing Reality
David Bohnenberger
The Soap

Chris Sligh from American Idol

This Monday Night - February 28th @ 7:00
$10 love offering
with/special guests:
Ocean is Theory & 

In the last 2 days people have already given over $5,000!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.James 2:14-17

     When I think about the early Church, I see a gospel that was spread not necessarily in the temples and synagogues by priests, but by ordinary people whose lives were changed forever by Jesus Christ. They met in the temple courts, in the marketplace, in rooms all over the city and countryside, fellowshipping and taking care of each other. Mixed in among the great apostles, such as Peter, John, & Paul, were leaders who shared Christ in every day settings, such as Lydia the cloth-maker and Stephen the deacon. These men and women helped spread the gospel in a way that temples and synagogues alone could never do, and are a main reason why Christianity spread as rapidly and powerfully as it did.

     That is why The Channel means so much to me and this city. The Channel is a throwback to the days of the early church, where the gospel of Jesus Christ was spread by word of mouth and community – a place where faith could be shared and you could find believers gathered at any time. Like Stephen, Lydia, and countless others, Jay & Amanda McAbee strive to serve the Lord in the marketplace and streets of this city.

     Now, The Channel finds itself in tremendous need. They need a miracle and we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, CANNOT stand by and just say with our mouths, “Oh, we support you guys… We believe that God will provide” while doing nothing or very little. NO – That amounts to dead belief. The early Church did not operate in this way. They used what they had to take care of each other and make sure that brothers and sisters in need got what they needed. Now, in 2011, we have a chance to BE the Church in a very tangible, practical way. We have to ACT. We must fight to see that The Channel’s doors stay open and that the Enemy does NOT steal it… NOT ON OUR WATCH.

So what can we do? GIVE… Give hilariously. Give cheerfully. Give liberally. Then, when all is said and done, come and grab a burger at the best joint in town, see lives changed, and know that you did your part for the Kingdom of God in Greenville, SC. THIS IS UNITY. THIS IS THE BODY OF CHRIST.

Let’s not talk it… LET’S DO IT.

Kris Miyake
Greenville House of Prayer
Lead Pastor/Director

Thursday, February 17, 2011

11 days left...

We are now at $8500 in donations received :)

If you've read the blog about how we got to this point you'll notice that God has showed up at the last minute quite often, so we are still walking in faith for what He's going to do.

What's amazing about the gifts so far is that many of them have come from individuals that haven't had the ability to give large amounts. We've had a few college kids that have given their whole paychecks! It's like God is moving in such a beautiful way to impress upon people to be the widow's mite.

We've also been blown away at the connections that God is bringing. The Channel is His space to do whatever He wills for His Kingdom to advance. There is the possibility of getting a house of prayer started to intercede for our city, individuals are discovering more of their purpose and are exploring how The Channel ties into it, so exciting!

Thank you for standing in faith with us.

So excited for God to get so much Glory.

11 more days :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Current Status

I've received a few phone calls/Facebook messages about where we are in our goal.

As of 6:11 pm on February 7th, we have raised $2,836 toward the $40,000 need.

However, in the Kingdom, there is no lack - God owns everything. As we seek first His Kingdom and His purposes for this place, His provision will come. He wants people to know what He's doing here.

He wants His Kingdom to come in our city.

He wants to use us to shift the culture of our city.

He wants us to foster unity in His body of believers.

He wants us to Love Him and Love our neighbor in a REAL way.

As we take care of His business, He'll take care of ours ----because they are the same. When we Follow Him, there is no striving, only abiding. He wants to see all of those He's connecting get REAL about HIS KINGDOM - every day, every moment. See the Kingdom is within us. We can't compartmentalize "church" and "work" and "family", etc...

It's in Him that we have LIFE and ALL of LIFE flows from Him.

You might be reading this and feel like God is purposing in your heart to give. If so, click on the link under PAGES that says: "How to Give"

You might be moved like Vanessa to do a fundraiser through Campus Crusade or ask instead of presents for your birthday, for donations to The Channel :)

You might have a graphic arts/photography gift like Will who is going to donate his time and talents.

You might be like Todd who wants to start serving on the frontlines and start ministering to people at The Channel.

You might be led to start a marriage community group like Ron and Hope (which is meeting for the first time this Saturday at 1:00 at The Channel).

You might know someone that you think we need to meet, whether they have the ability to give, pray, serve, or don't know how to get involved, but have a desire to come and discover...

Connect via Facebook:
Jay or Amanda McAbee
or join The Channel Group to get info on all upcoming events

Send an email

Or just stop by.

Grille33 @ The Channel: New Greenville SC Restaurant

This video was recorded back in the summer right after we opened.